
Nitrogen fertilizer alternative

Digital Marketing » Work » BioNyck
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Web Design for

BioNyck is a new ag product by Brady Krchnavy. This project required a concise one-page website to function as a landing page and preorder form.

Website Services Provided:

Copywriting, Landing Page Design, Web Design, Web Development, WordPress, and WordPress Support & Hosting

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Natural Color Palette and High-Quality Imagery

The website uses a color palette of blues, greens, and browns, matching the BioNyck logo. High-quality images showcase the product and its benefits. home page screenshot
bionyck estimate calculator

Custom Calculator for Product Estimation

A custom calculator was created to help farmers estimate the amount of BioNyck product they need based on their acreage.

Focus on Cost Savings and Yield Improvement

The website highlights the product's ability to reduce fertilizer costs and improve crop yields. It also emphasizes the product's ease of use and pending organic certification.

callout on website
